Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Weekend With Uncle Steve and Grandma (no not at the lake)

This weekend, I didn't go to the lake because I wanted to go to church and I wanted to see my Uncle Steve because he was in this weekend from Tucson, Arizona. He is only up from Arizona at least once a year and he only got to stay here for the weekend, not that long, so I stayed with Grandma and Uncle Steve. I'm lucky I stayed with them because at the lake, the tornado sirens went off so they had to go down in the Dezelan's basement to take cover :) . That's twice this summer!! Freaky, huh? Anyways, on Friday, the family and I went out shopping at the mall for clothes for Pennsylvania, which I leave Monday at 11:16 PM to Detroit, Michigan, then from there to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, then drive to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After shopping, we went to drop me off at Grandma's house to stay the weekend. The bed was comfy :) . On Saturday, my grandma and I went to the Chippendale golf course to play the vintage (9 holes.) I scored a 56, which is pretty good because I'm a starter, and my Grandma scored a 49 (the best she has done this year.) I'm pretty much a starter, but I used to play when I was younger, but I forgot everything, so I'm up and playing again. Then on Sunday, I went to church and taught my small group, which you can know more about in my profile if you read my profile. Then my Grandma came and picked me up from church and we went to the Indianapolis airport to drop Uncle Steve off for his flight back to Arizona. My Grandma and I drove back to Kokomo and she dropped me back off at church for OSM (oakbrook Student Ministries.) Then the weekend is over and I went back home. :) . Pretty fun weekend if you ask me. :)

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