Friday, June 27, 2008

Pennsylvania Day 3, 4, and 5

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been really busy, but Pennsylvania is a blast! Even though it's really hot, it has been fun through the week. Here is what I did the last 3 days in Pennsylvania. Once again, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I really haven't had time to.

Pennsylvania Day 3- On Day 3, which was a Wednesday, my sister and I met my cousin Katie and Katie's friend Kenzie at the Bent Creek Golf Club to go swimming at the pool there in Bent Creek. Bent Creek isn't just golfing the 18 holes or the top 9 or the bottom 9. There is a driving range, a restaurant, and a swimming pool all in one place, just 2 different buildings and the driving range outside. The golf course is huge! So, Katie, Kenzie, Kady, and I went to go swimming at the pool in Bent Creek. We had a whole bunch of fun. We eventually got tired of swimming after 4-5 hours and called grandma Janet to come pick us up after she was done with her golf tournement. When we called, she was in the restaurant eating lunch, then she would come out and get us to go back home. That is pretty much what we did that day.

Pennsylvania Day 4- On Day 4, which was a Thursday, my sister and I went with our Aunt LaRie (not a typo), cousin Blaine, my awesome cousin-in-law Bethany, and my 2nd cousin Collin (Bethany's son) to a Lancaster (Pennsylvania) vs Camden (Maryland) baseball game. Of course, Lancaster won the game 4 - 0 like they always will, knock on wood, and it was a blast. Collin wanted to go on the merry-go-round, and of course we did. We went 6 times in a row, everytime a different animal. It was fun yet exhausting switching animals every single time. After Lancaster had won the game, we left the stadium, but right before we exited the stadium, the stadium blew up! Just kidding, the stadium didn't blow up, but my head blew up with the excitement that I got a free Frosty from Wensdy's from the announcer guy that walked past us and said that he was just emptying his pockets. So, we went to Bethany's house to take Blaine to pick up his car and on the way home we went to Wendy's to use the coupon ASAP (lol : P) and the Frosty was awesome. :) . We ate dinner on a campfire. The hot dogs where roasted over the campfire and the baked potatoes were definetly baked, if you know what I mean. The baked potatoes were baked in the campfire and the outside was charcoal until you ate the inside. Over all, it was a fun day.

Pennsylvania Day 5- On Day 5, which was a Friday, we decided to go to Washington D.C., which was only 1:45 minutes away from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We left the night before, after the campfire dinner. We slept at a hotel, of course. We saw the Washingtom Momument, which was big and pointy. We saw the Lincoln Memorial and in the inside the Gettysburg Address was carved into the wall. We barely saw the White House. You needed to get a pass to get any closer than we were. We also saw the Capitol building. Did you know Washington D.C. was in 2 different states? Well it's true. (You can find out what those two states are in my poll, that is if you tune in next week for the answer, after the poll is done.) We also went to the National Cemetery or what ever it's called to see President Jefferson's eternal flame and his grave. All of the other graves were all lined up in perfect rows, columns, and diagonals. It was amazing how they did that.

Well that's all for now. The Pennsylvania Photo Gallery will be all pictures of the week, which will be posted once I get back home in Indiana. Come back next week for the photos!! Later!

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