Monday, June 30, 2008

Pennsylvania Photo Gallery! :)

Here are those photos I told you I would post for you guys! 

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Last Day in Pennsylvania

The last day in Pennsylvania, Day 6, was just one of those days where you just didn't know what to do, so you were really bored until that night, OK, so maybe I'm exagerating it a little bit, but that was pretty much the explanation of the day. We didn't know what to do, so we called alison, our cousin, and we went to the Bent Creek swimming pool. We stayed there for a couple hours, or 4, and we had fun. Then when we came home, the neighbors were out, so we decided to go out and play with them. We just hung out and played some football. Then they had to eat. So, I knew Camp Rock (The Rock On) was on tonight. I watched that and now I have seen Camp Rock 4 times, almost all of the times it was on. Thats pretty much the day. Sorry so short.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pennsylvania Day 3, 4, and 5

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been really busy, but Pennsylvania is a blast! Even though it's really hot, it has been fun through the week. Here is what I did the last 3 days in Pennsylvania. Once again, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I really haven't had time to.

Pennsylvania Day 3- On Day 3, which was a Wednesday, my sister and I met my cousin Katie and Katie's friend Kenzie at the Bent Creek Golf Club to go swimming at the pool there in Bent Creek. Bent Creek isn't just golfing the 18 holes or the top 9 or the bottom 9. There is a driving range, a restaurant, and a swimming pool all in one place, just 2 different buildings and the driving range outside. The golf course is huge! So, Katie, Kenzie, Kady, and I went to go swimming at the pool in Bent Creek. We had a whole bunch of fun. We eventually got tired of swimming after 4-5 hours and called grandma Janet to come pick us up after she was done with her golf tournement. When we called, she was in the restaurant eating lunch, then she would come out and get us to go back home. That is pretty much what we did that day.

Pennsylvania Day 4- On Day 4, which was a Thursday, my sister and I went with our Aunt LaRie (not a typo), cousin Blaine, my awesome cousin-in-law Bethany, and my 2nd cousin Collin (Bethany's son) to a Lancaster (Pennsylvania) vs Camden (Maryland) baseball game. Of course, Lancaster won the game 4 - 0 like they always will, knock on wood, and it was a blast. Collin wanted to go on the merry-go-round, and of course we did. We went 6 times in a row, everytime a different animal. It was fun yet exhausting switching animals every single time. After Lancaster had won the game, we left the stadium, but right before we exited the stadium, the stadium blew up! Just kidding, the stadium didn't blow up, but my head blew up with the excitement that I got a free Frosty from Wensdy's from the announcer guy that walked past us and said that he was just emptying his pockets. So, we went to Bethany's house to take Blaine to pick up his car and on the way home we went to Wendy's to use the coupon ASAP (lol : P) and the Frosty was awesome. :) . We ate dinner on a campfire. The hot dogs where roasted over the campfire and the baked potatoes were definetly baked, if you know what I mean. The baked potatoes were baked in the campfire and the outside was charcoal until you ate the inside. Over all, it was a fun day.

Pennsylvania Day 5- On Day 5, which was a Friday, we decided to go to Washington D.C., which was only 1:45 minutes away from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We left the night before, after the campfire dinner. We slept at a hotel, of course. We saw the Washingtom Momument, which was big and pointy. We saw the Lincoln Memorial and in the inside the Gettysburg Address was carved into the wall. We barely saw the White House. You needed to get a pass to get any closer than we were. We also saw the Capitol building. Did you know Washington D.C. was in 2 different states? Well it's true. (You can find out what those two states are in my poll, that is if you tune in next week for the answer, after the poll is done.) We also went to the National Cemetery or what ever it's called to see President Jefferson's eternal flame and his grave. All of the other graves were all lined up in perfect rows, columns, and diagonals. It was amazing how they did that.

Well that's all for now. The Pennsylvania Photo Gallery will be all pictures of the week, which will be posted once I get back home in Indiana. Come back next week for the photos!! Later!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pennsylvania Day 2

Hey guys! Pennsylvania is a blast so far! We went to Gettysburg, PA, to see the civil war musuem and to see where Abe Lincoln spoke the speech "Four score and seven years ago..." That would have to be one of the most popular speech in American Hishtory, and my favorite one at that. We toured the Battlefield of the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the most bloodiest next to the Battle of Antietam. There were a whole bunch of graves and my sister, Kady, would take pictures of almost every HUGE gravestone there was, well, until we finally told her to get on the car so we could actually find our way out of here, which is what we were in the process of doing next to touring and taking pictures. Then, we finally found our way out and left to go back to Lancaster, PA, where my family is staying, at my grandparents' house. After the history trip, my grandpa Whitehead, my father, and I went out to play 9 holes at the golf course. I didn't do too well, but I did decent. I lost every ball except for 3. :-P . The funniest thing happened at hole 8 stroke 2 for grandpa. He was in the middle of these trees and across the street was a house. They knew who lived there. He stroked the ball with a 5 wood and hit the ball solid, hit the tree solid, and then hit the roof solid and into the gutter, then down the drain pipe. LMAO!!! You could hear it. It was like a pinball machine. My dad and I started cracking up and I fell out of the golf cart laughing so hard. Best moment this year. :) . Then, we ate at the country club where we played. My sister and grandma were on their way to the club after they were done shopping. She got a Ripstick, 2 new webkinz, and clothing from various places. It was a pretty fun day if you ask me. Tune in tomorrow for some more of this trip.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Hey guys! I just arrived in Pennsylvania not too long ago. We had to take two planes, one to Detroit, Michigan, and one to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Home Sweet Home. We got here and on the way to Grandpa Whitehead's, he was telling us about a snake that his people that do his lawn for him told him about. Janet said it was black and white. There were rings around it, which made the color. We saw an egg under the pine tree and we thought it was a snake egg, but dad said it was just a fallen bird egg. It was too big to be a bird egg, I thought. We searched for the snake, but no sign of it anywhere. Dad said it needs to be hotter for the snake to come out and sunbathe.
Other than that, the plane rides were pretty boring. The first flight was to Detroit and that flight only took 42 minutes. It felt like 15 minutes, believe it or not. The second plane was delayed 20 minutes because it started hailing outside pretty hard. They let us board the plane 35 minutes later. Then, the rest of that same hour, something was wrong with the plane, mechanical wise. So they had to go through that stuff: inspection and paperwork. Then we finally flew off into departure. We were almost hit by lightning at the beginning, almost right after we took off. Then, we arrived in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and drove 30 minutes from the airport to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The family was happy to see us. Home Sweet Home. :) .

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Weekend With Uncle Steve and Grandma (no not at the lake)

This weekend, I didn't go to the lake because I wanted to go to church and I wanted to see my Uncle Steve because he was in this weekend from Tucson, Arizona. He is only up from Arizona at least once a year and he only got to stay here for the weekend, not that long, so I stayed with Grandma and Uncle Steve. I'm lucky I stayed with them because at the lake, the tornado sirens went off so they had to go down in the Dezelan's basement to take cover :) . That's twice this summer!! Freaky, huh? Anyways, on Friday, the family and I went out shopping at the mall for clothes for Pennsylvania, which I leave Monday at 11:16 PM to Detroit, Michigan, then from there to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, then drive to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After shopping, we went to drop me off at Grandma's house to stay the weekend. The bed was comfy :) . On Saturday, my grandma and I went to the Chippendale golf course to play the vintage (9 holes.) I scored a 56, which is pretty good because I'm a starter, and my Grandma scored a 49 (the best she has done this year.) I'm pretty much a starter, but I used to play when I was younger, but I forgot everything, so I'm up and playing again. Then on Sunday, I went to church and taught my small group, which you can know more about in my profile if you read my profile. Then my Grandma came and picked me up from church and we went to the Indianapolis airport to drop Uncle Steve off for his flight back to Arizona. My Grandma and I drove back to Kokomo and she dropped me back off at church for OSM (oakbrook Student Ministries.) Then the weekend is over and I went back home. :) . Pretty fun weekend if you ask me. :)

Friday, June 20, 2008


Hey guys!!! Today is Camp Rock on Disney Channel at 8/7c (WORLD PREMIERE!!!) The Video bars at the bottom of the blog and on the right hand side will be up dated every 1-2 hours for Camp Rock songs. There are 4 dates they are showing Camp Rock, including today, and I will post those dates tomorrow! Have Fun!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tomorrow is Camp Rock!!! 1 Day Left!!!

Hey guys! One day left until the world premiere of Camp Rock on Disney Channel at 8/7c on Friday the 19th! OMG! Here are some photos from the movie to help you see what it's about. ^^^

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Lake Weekend 2

This weekend at the lake was fun and exciting. We left for Lake Manitou on Friday. On Saturday, I pretty much just rode my bike around the neighborhood and we went skiing once. We didn't go tubing this weekend because of various reasons, for one, I didn't feel like it. Who knows what the other reasons are. We didn't go on Sunday because I didn't feel like it and my step-dad likes to watch the race. On that same day, a huge storm came through, so Megan and Michael Dezelan told Weston, my little brother, and I to come right over after we were done eating dinner and come down to their basement. We asked why the basement had to be where we were going to hang out and they said because they were afraid of the storm that was coming through. The storm was horrible! You couldn't see the lake at all. The good news was that there weren't any tornado warnings and/or watches around the state. So, we were all good. :) . We went skiing before that and Todd, my step-dad, went skiing after the storm. Pretty fun-filled weekend I would say. It was fun, but at some parts, boring. :)

Count Down to Camp Rock!

Hey guys! Camp Rock Premieres in 3 days! Friday 8/7c on Disney Channel! It's going to be a blast! I even know people who are having parties for the movie! Again, for updates on the movie, check out the blog for the movie. <------The official blog of the movie everyone is excited to see!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Camp Rock Premiere in 4-5 Days! OMG!

OMG! Camp Rock Priemere on Disney Channel in 4-5 days! How exciting is that!? Well, to keep you updated on the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato, here are a couple of other blogs that have updates: <--------- One of my closest friends! Keeps updates about the Jonas Brothers almost everyday! Love You Like A Sister Alison! <3 <--------- That's Kim! <-------- That's alessandra!  <---------- The official blog of the movie Camp Rock

See Video Bar of Camp Rock songs updated everyday from today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Lake Week 1

Lake Manitou is the name and having fun is its game. I have fun at Lake Manitou. I go every weekend with my family because my grandma and grandpa has a cottage type house up there in Rochester, Indiana. I go skiing and tubing, but I haven't tried wake-boarding yet and I don't plan on twisting my ankle. :) . We also play with friends next door. They live in Fishers, Indiana. We play base tag every night. We tube together. We want to go skiing and get all of us up at once, but haven't gotten there yet. This lake is a fun place to hang out and just invite people and friends up with you, which is what I plan to do. This weekend was a blast! I got up out of the water on one ski. I can do the solemn skiing course, but it was too bumpy for me to turn. Plus, my ski wouldn't turn in the choppy water anyways. Besides skiing, we also went out in the water tubing. Tubing is a blast! You fly up in the air, get whipped, and fall into the water either skipping across the water or fall feet first (that's always me [the last 2 choices I just explained.]) This weekend was a blast, as you can see. Tune in for next weekend and look at my next entry for The Lake Week 2!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Molly Margaret O'Keefe

I met Molly O'keefe at Oakbrook Community Church. I first saw her on stage with me dancing in this program called "Kidstuf." I was asking myself, who is that? After "Kidstuf" rehearsal, I got a chance to meet Molly. Griffin Miller, her boyfriend at the time and my friend, introduced me to her. She was sitting on the couch with her friends, Abby and Hannah, whom of which I already knew. Well, Griffin introduced her to me because he saw me starring at her during rehearsal. I said hey and she replied back. I had to go teach a small group so I couldn't stay long. After Upstreet, "Kidstuf" was about to go on. I caught her starring at me. :) I was starring at he right back in her eyes. Then I lost my place in the dance and she giggled. :) I was going to talk to her after "Kidstuf," but she had already left. That's how I met Molly O'Keefe. :))))) I Love You Like A Sister Molly!!!! <3

Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage is a good-bye party Lafayette Park Middle School (LPMS) holds for the eighth graders that are going onto high school as Freshmen. It's a really emotional party towards the end. Girls were crying everywhere! Well, I don't blame them. They are going to miss everyone, and I know the guys will too (ha-ha.) The Bon Voyage this year was epic! In the new gym, you had the party, dancing and throwing beach balls around or at each other. :P . Then, in the elementary cafeteria, just outside the new gym, was the cake, smoothies, drinks and such. It was a blast. Above are some pictures from the Bon Voyage.

The Haiti Hunger Banquet

The Haiti Hunger Banquet was a banquet my 4th period Spanish class and I hosted for Haiti, of course, at Oakbrook Valley. A Hunger Banquet is when you have 3 different sections (we had white, blue, and red, the colors of the Haitian flag.) The tickets are also those colors which indicates which section or color of tables you can sit at. Then, at the beginning, we let the audience who came to experience what is going on in Haiti as you are reading this right now. The white section was the highest class of people. The highest class got pretty much everything. The blue was the middle class. The middle class got murky water and two bowls of rice. The red was the biggest section, the lowest class, or the Haitians if you will. They got murky water and one bowl of rice. Then we asked what they felt like in their places right now. The people in the red group pretty much felt like they were in Haiti. After that, we proceeded with the actual food and Joel Larison played his acoustic guitar. Also, my best friend, Niko Gruber, came and supported me, along with Joel's girlfriend, Meghan. The Hunger Banquet was a great success. We raised $737.00! That's awesome! The money went straight to H.E.S.P. (Haitian Environmental Support Program. This program supports 85 children in Haiti every year. The money went straight to them. The Banquet was fun and successful. Thanks again Joel, Niko, and Meghan! :)