Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Air I Breathe by Louie Giglio ~2*

I was reading Chapter 4 of this book and I decided to blog to you about it. This section from the book is about a lady in a choir for her church named Lori. She went through some tough times. I'll explain as we go along.

"On this particular Sunday, the story for me (Louie) was a woman singing in a small vocal choir backing up the worship band. We were all standing and worshiping to David Crowder's version of "Make a Joyful Noise," and the place was rocking. As we sang, the camera focused on a woman in the choir named Lori. She was passionately worshiping God with a huge smile that beautifully reflected the joy we were singing about."

So far so good right? I mean, a woman in a choir at her church singing about the glory of God.
A M A Z I N G start off right?

"As Lori's face filled the big screen, my face filled with tears.
"I know Lori from 7/22, a Bible study I (Louie) taught in Atlanta for ten years. Geared toward young singles, 7/22 draws thousands of them every week to worship from all across our city. Being a middle-aged mom, Lori didn't exactly fit the typical profile of young people. But her teenage son kept inviting her, and she finally came."

What a B O L D move ! ! ! <------ Mark Malin

"Lori was divorced. She was wounded. And she was spiritually lost. But she came. Can you see it? a mom with a lot of baggage walking into her room packed with young people with her teen son...wall-to-wall people going after Jesus. Something about the place made her feel at home. the spirit she sensed among us drew her in. pretty soon her eyes were opened to the love and grace of God, and on one spring Tuesday night, Lori personally connected with God. Praying a simple prayer, she placed her faith in Christ for eternal life. In an instant she was alive, starting a new journey with God."

So far so good; despite the divorce. Even though she had those tough times, and who knows if she is now... but she found Jesus Christ through all those tough times and what roles He played in them. Jesus made the divorce happen for a reason, whatever that reason may be. Oh the power of Jesus Christ!

"Well, that part of the story is amazing enough...but it gets better. It turns out Lori's ex-husband. the teenager's dad, was searching too. His journey is like so many-a broken childhood and shattered dreams, with deep and desperate wounds leading him down every dead-end road on the planet. In his words, he was 'a hard case'. A lost cause."

This was/is an amazing transformation from in the stage he was in during his life to where he is now. The story goes on to where they both got remarried. If you have noticed throughout the story, they both went down similar paths. The only difference one divorced another. Both went through amazing transformations and put their faith in God. God opened the heart of Lori and Lori saw God in the midst of her life and most of her situations. In her husband's case, her husband had a much harder time, I think. She divorced him. He came through for her in the end and got remarried.

Have you ever been in this situation or have been alongside someone who had this difficult of a time finding God through the midst of everything? I have. My parents. They got divorced. Mom found God. My dad is now attending church. That's a step up right?

I guess the point I'm T R Y I N G to make is spread the W O R D of J E S U S C H R I S T to everyone you can. Start a Bible study or club at school? Don't ask... my mom mentioned it:P

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